About Us

About Us



Reliable Software Solutions For Travel Businesses

Foundation was established with a small idea that was incepted in the minds of its promoters in the year 1994! We provide complete, reliable software solutions for travel businesses all over the world, based on the strong technological expertise of our fully dedicated and passionate IT specialists

Travel Agents can partner with us by choosing from one of the many unique travel-technology solutions we offer.

Who We Are

We aim to always deliver the highest level of service and technology solutions to help our online travel agency customers succeed in their Business.

What We Believe

Our technology makes travel services accessible and affordable to the largest number of travel agencies around the globe


We connect your business
to world-renowned travel suppliers

Our innovation to help companies innovate technology and capture a competitive edge. Our existence is fully based on the recommendation of satisfied clients, and we feel proud on our efficiency only when people include us in their chat and express their suggestions for us.

Complete software solutions

Skilled professionals are always ready to cover all the needs of a modern travel business

Scalable technology

Our technology is hosted in the cloud to access it whenever you want and wherever your business is

Increase Profits

Full control over commission and profitability with one-click access to the lowest possible fares, hotel, car transfers and sightseeing content

Save your time

Simple 3 step search, book process removes manual processing time and reap better profits